National Associations

Members of FEPA

Austrian Association for Building Materials and Ceramic Industries

Wiedner Hauptstraße 63,

1045 WIEN

Phone: +43 (0) 590 900 3507


Syndicat National des Abrasifs et Superabrasifs - SNAS

105 Av. Edouard Herriot
83700 St Raphaël

Phone: +33 686 05 88 89

Verband Deutscher Schleifmittelwerke - VDS

Oxfordstrasse 8

53111 BONN

Phone: +49 (0)2 28/63 55 87

Federchimica - Gruppo abrasivi

Via Giovanni da Procida 11

20149 MILANO

Phone: +39 02 34565.349

Asociacion Nacional de Frabricantes de Abrasivos - ANFA

Ginzo de Limia 4-8, puerta 4

28029 MADRID

Phone: +34 (0) 91 314 40 63



Sveriges Slip & Diamantverktygs- Leverantörers Förening - SSDL

Box 223 07


Phone: +46 8 508 938 00

British Abrasives Federation - BAF

288 Kenpas Highway

Coventry, CV3 6PB

Phone: +44 (0) 737 56 21 962

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